Shantae sprites rotty top
Shantae sprites rotty top


  • Blackout Basement: One of the hidden rooms in the third level of Cape Crustacean is pitch black inside and filled with platforms and spikes, requiring Shantae to have the Bat Sonar ability to properly navigate.
  • The day is saved, but Shantae is forced to destroy the Genie Realm to protect the world.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Occurs if you immediately rush off to Risky's lair instead of helping the Barons to collect the polarizer.
  • Also Wilbur, a titanic centipede-like creature.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Risky's new ship, the Tinkerslug, is a giant sea snail with the top half of a ship mounted on top of it.
  • The second part takes you outside in a storm where you'll have to go through some intense Platform Hell. The first part of the stage has you contend with Slime Girls, bats, ghost girls, succubi and a very confusing maze that will make you lost.
  • Big Boo's Haunt: Hypno Baron's Castle, a spooky castle where Hypno Baron resides.
  • Turns out it's part of a Batman Gambit to give Shantae fake blueprints. She starts the game off by attacking Scuttle Town with her pirate crew. Shantae is on a quest not to save the world, but rather to find a good beach to vacation on.

    shantae sprites rotty top

    Beach Episode: The aptly-named Beach Mode DLC.They're out there keeping the world safe from even bigger threats. Barrier Maiden: In the good ending, this is explained as to why the genies all left in the first place.Auto-Scrolling Level: Cape Crustacean's first part.The first three bosses - the Tinkerslug, the Mermaid Queen, and Wilbur - all have the screen zoom out to show how large they are. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: A number of the bosses are absolutely gigantic.Attack Its Weak Point: Shantae opens most Boss Battles with a proclamation of destroying the enemy when there's a weak point to attack, she points it out.The game allows you to save right between level segments and even before boss battles, allowing you to pick up right where you left off if you die or exit the game.Notably, this feature is absent in Hard Core Mode, where falling forces you to restart. If you fall off of the screen at anytime during the Magic Carpet Race, Shantae gets launched back up instead of dying, with Shantae holding her butt with a shocked expression on her face.


    Handy if you're short a few gems to get that upgrade before leaving the town. Scuttle Town has respawning jars that can be reset via entering the Art Gallery.Although Friends to the End takes place within a short period of the main game from the player's perspective, it goes into greater detail on how Shantae's friends travelled through her memories to save her from dark magic and defeating Nega-Shantae.In particular, Ammo Baron in the main game mentions running into Risky, and Squid Baron's behaviour during his boss fight proves Hypno Baron's point about being 'impossible to work with'. While the start and end of Pirate Queen's Quest fall under "Rashomon"-Style and Unreliable Narrator, respectively, the events in between detail Risky's dealings with the Barons of Sequin Land as she assembles the Tinkerbrain.Alas, Poor Villain: After defeating Squid Baron, Shantae laments that this time the villain seemingly blew up for good.

    shantae sprites rotty top

  • Art-Shifted Sequel: As opposed to the pixel art spritework in previous games, this game's sprites are done in a more cartoony style similar to Skullgirls.
  • A "Day One" edition for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch that features an artbook and CD soundtrack along with a physical copy of the game was also released. An Ultimate Edition of the game, bundling the game with all of its DLC and previously Kickstarter backer-exclusive content, was released in 2018.


    In order to stop her foe from completing the device, known as the Dynamo, Shantae must search the land for all the machine's components before Risky has a chance to build it herself.Ĭo-developed by Inti Creates and funded through Kickstarter, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero saw simultaneous release on all major home consoles of the eighth generation, as well as PC (through Steam) and the Play Station Vita. Once again, Risky Boots attacks Scuttle Town to retrieve the blueprints for one of Uncle Mimic's inventions. The fourth game in the Shantae series, released for multiple platforms in 2016, two years after Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.

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